Making time for His Presence undergirds all we are and do...

Making time for His Presence undergirds all we are and do...


Riverstones was born out of the realization that the Body of Christ's needs were not being met in our time-scheduled services.  I saw the need for gathering with one aim: to enter the presence of the Lord and let Him have His way until He was done. Have you ever been in a service when the Holy Spirit was brooding over the congregation, so near that you could touch Him, and then it was time for the announcements? We need the ministry of the Lord to our spirits and souls so we can function in strength and sensitivity in our daily lives. We must be full of His presence and poured out to those in need. We hope to provide a portion of that filling!

We will occasionally have public gatherings for times of ministry to you and an extended atmosphere of worship and dwelling in the presence of the Lord. These times will be rich! But in between those gatherings, there will be online worship and ministry sessions from the studio and a community of believers who will pray for your needs. Riverstones also aims to bring solid teaching that clarifies confusing Biblical misconceptions that are common in the Body today.  There are so many opinions, slants and mixed-doctrines that we have lost the purity of the Word of God in its original meaning in many cases. We hope to simply hit the truth head-on. It is vital that the Church be clear about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and not get distracted by subjects that satisfy "itching ears".

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  • We discuss the current world in light of the truth of the Scriptures. When you really look at what the Word says about some of the teaching you may have received, you will be shocked at how far off, and at times how subtle, the changes are from truth.
  • We endeavor to provide the believer with rich times in the presence of God as we enter the worship zone and let Him have His way. There will be no rush; no schedule to meet. Some will express worship physically, some verbally and some will just bask in it. We need these times!
  • We write thought-provoking articles addressing subjects that meet all of us on this road. We need to speak to one another in truth and remind reach other what the Word says. The "modern" gospel has changed in many ways. Lead us back to the truth.
  • We foster the belief that we are the living, breathing Church of Jesus Christ and it is our hands and feet and voices that will carry the grace and mercy of Christ to those in need.