More of Our Story


Charles and I come from very different backgrounds: he a PRCA roughstock rider with no spiritual upbringing, and I was raised in church my whole life and saved at a young age. This mix of difference has made for an interesting, lively journey to the oneness of marriage, but neither of us would have missed the ride!

Charles and I met at a Cowboys for Christ meeting in Dallas where my cousin had asked me to lead worship for his weekly gatherings. Charles says he was smitten from the moment of seeing me, but it took me a good deal longer to see it his way! Lol!

He was a very new Christian and needed a lot of polish for the rough edges, but a more eager heart I have not seen. I had about eleven more years in my walk with Jesus than he and had already been ministering on the streets of San Francisco, in the missions of southern California, and running a concert ministry as well.

We married a year after we began dating and moved from Dallas to a very small community in Central Texas. It did not take long to see the calling of Evangelist emerge on Charles' life, and he made it a daily part of his work.

On the weekends we traveled to other parts of Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana to hold meetings or to be featured leading worship and preaching for someone's special event. You could find us ministering in a small church, at an international convention, on a trailor in the middle of a rodeo arena, or leading worship at the Mansion in Dallas with crystal and linen. We have been the full gammet of experiences and it just keeps coming!

Along the way I served at three churches in our small town as Worship Leader, made a fascinating journey into communist Poland, stood on the Mount of Olives to deliver the song of freedom,  and recorded a couple albums as well.

I spent some time promoting the album until I settled into my worship leading and felt that was the way the Lord would have me go.

Charles went through a devastating experience which caused him to lose his faith for awhile. It was a near ten year journey before he would return to his walk with the Lord. I will be sharing that wild story in a blog on this site and the principle of embracing and releasing that the Lord taught me along the way.

When Charles was fully restored, we felt a move was coming, packed up our son and daughter, stepped out, literally on faith, and made a move to Fort Worth, Texas where we still reside. It was a rough transition, with many twists and turns, but God was with us through them all; and that's another story!

I took a position as worship leader for a church close by and Charles eventually got hired on at the Sheriff's Department to continue his career. But it was not to be long-lived, because six years later he headed for Afghanistan to teach the indigenous people to be policemen, while establishing two churches and becoming a liaison between the Afhganys and other foreign entities working in the country.

Look for his posts under Coyote's Corner where he will share some of the things God did while he was there.

It seems our life has been, and remains a prophetic sign, in that we move, walk out and demonstrate what the Father is instructing and we don't orchestrate the way God will function in our yielded lives.

When the Lord has a lesson to teach, or a season to walk, it will be with thorough detail and circumstances that only He could think of. This journey with Jesus is fascinating and fun!

We have held meetings in our home for many years where all members of the Body of Christ are welcome, and we have seen some amazing healings take place, as well as the honor of walking with our brothers and sisters through their challenges.

We will be sharing some of the amazing things God has done in those times to encourage your heart to continue on.

We enjoy celebrating all of the seasons God highlights in scripture because they remind us of who He is and how He sees us.

We decided many years ago that we would learn about the Fall Feasts, so for fifteen years now we have a house full of friends and newcomers to eat, celebrate and learn about Tabernacles in our backyard.

One of our favorite ways to minister is just as the Spirit leads in our daily lives. The ordinary day of grocery shopping, working, going to the post office, etc. has been interrupted by divine purpose countless times.

People need the Lord and they need what you and I have! We just have to be available to give it!

If we are so caught up in our lives that we cannot hear the quiet nudging of the Holy Spirit, we will miss so much of what God intended for those around us.

There have been times we have not been able to go on with our agenda because the Holy Spirit has prompted us to stop and speak to someone in our path. Every believer is an Ambassador for Christ, just as Jesus said! God's love towards us all is SO great!

We don't need to haul someone to church to let the pastor preach to them when we can share the Word of Life with them at that very moment. This is the way we believe we should live our lives.

It is not all about the stage and an audience poised to hear your words; it is about following the leading of the Spirit to let ministry find you exactly where you are.

We are very passionate about each of you having a dynamic life with Jesus and trusting Him to direct your paths.

That has been the backdrop to all ministry we have ever been involved with. What is in the Word, in the teachings of Jesus and the instruction of the Epistles, is for each and every one of you! This journey and these seasons of life are full of His grace and mercy.

We endeavor to keep walking and finding the treasure He intends while sharing the love of Christ with a word in due season. Only the Lord knows our future, but we are certain we want it to be His idea and not our own!