Wisdom from the Trail


Hello brothers and sisters, my name is Charles “Coyote” Wilson. “Coyote” was a nickname given to me early in my rodeo years. Welcome to Coyote’s Corner!

Those that know my testimony, know that Christianity was the furthest thing from my thoughts in the first third of my life. Those that don’t know me, let’s just say that I was a gung-ho heathen.

I don’t want to give any glory to the devil because all that I am now and ever will be is in the hands of a gracious, loving God to whom I owe everything. Since I became a Christian back in 1979 the Lord has taken me on quite a journey.

First thing He did was give me a beautiful, on-fire, worship leading woman to help me keep the reins pulled tight and in the right direction. Man did I need it! Sandi is the second best gift God has given me with His Son being the first.

My background consists of pro bull riding and bronc riding. And later in life, I entered law enforcement which led me to two years in Afghanistan. I was a police trainer and lead advisor to the Afghan police commander during which time the Lord had me establish two churches.

As these articles go on I will share some of my adventures with the Lord. From the time Sandi and I were married, we hit the ground running in ministry. We spoke and sang in churches, fair grounds, rodeo arenas, in large forest by camp fires, and any place the Lord told to go. To us, though, ministry was one and one to the people that God put in our path.
This is what I hope these articles will do: make people feel like they are being ministered to in an open and personal way. My desire is that you will never feel looked down upon or condemned, but refreshed with the radiant light of the pure truth. For only the truth can set us free!

There are so many concepts of the truth out there and after thirty plus years of ministry here and abroad, we have heard all of them. But I am here to tell you that if it is not written in His holy Word, it is not the truth.

So… let’s saddle up and get ready for the greatest round-up of all!
